What is silicon footprint? As humans use fossil fuels excessively, we leave our carbon footprint. It is the permanent deteriorating change to our environment, a scar on Mother Nature's face, a black dot on brahma's creation. Similarly, your silicon footprint refers to your online activity. Though I agree that it is not permanent, its consequences have far reaching and immediate effects on the present generation. One's cause may get thousands of supporters within hours. It might be a cause to stop eve-teasing or to give justice to the exploited or to gain financial assistance for an operation. You name it.
However theres another side to this coin too. It's not that-we did not have a choice. But what we chose was greed and comfort. We are social animals. We like to interact. But what the world has witnessed in the last decade is a dramatic increase in dependence on technology.
However theres another side to this coin too. It's not that-we did not have a choice. But what we chose was greed and comfort. We are social animals. We like to interact. But what the world has witnessed in the last decade is a dramatic increase in dependence on technology.
Don't believe? Fine. How many friends' mobile numbers can you remember? Can you tell the date without peeking into your phones! Can you stay without gadgets for a day?! Do you remember to wish your friends on their birthdays without Facebook reminding you?!
One of the ripples of this technological revolution is-
We are in a restaurant. After the daily petty issues of this monotonous life we find solace in having dinner with family or friends. We share our feelings and thoughts at the table. (That is why in many traditions, the family waits until each member of the family has returned home so that they can eat together). But no sooner does one hear that typical "ding" than one's hand unconsciously moves to check the message. And a study has revealed that when one person checks his mobile, the person sitting with him is more likely to check his mobile (even though there ain't any message).
Thus, concluding my first true blog, i would say that-
It is we humans who have given birth to gadgets. And we shouldn't let them become our masters.