Friday, September 12, 2014

Patients, still dumb?

   Gone are the times when patients were unaware of their clinical condition and used to reply solely on doctors' advice. On the other hand, they have become proactive in clinical decision making and it's implementation.
  The good thing about it is- there is more awareness. Involving patients and relatives will improve Health care in the country. This provides a thrust to the new form of therapy- "the information therapy" where along with the conventional "therapy", the health care provider will take informed decisions from the patient concerned and it's relatives. 
   However, we still continue to treat them as dumb people. I would give you an example-
   "We were having clinics in the side room of ward 12 on 10/9/14. The case which was being presented was of GI system. The presenter began- "my patient....present with chief complaints of jaundice, abdominal distenss " and the teacher snapped in between- "you shouldn't say jaundice. Because the patient will never himself say he has jaundice. What he will notice is yellowish discolouration of the sclera(first) and skin(later). So instead of saying "jaundice" we should say "yellowish discolouration of the sclera and skin"....even though the patient clearly mentioned he had jaundice. The Essense of Histroy Taking, I believe is a record of the conversation between the doctor and patient. So the same words should be used
     There comes an argument to this proposition-
•the patient may be wrong in his diagnosis as there will be differential diagnosis to yellowish discolouration
    In that case, none of the two know what really he has. So it doesn't make a difference, does it?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why does brain control opposite halves of the body?

This picture shows three diagrams.
The circles show the retina, the lines are optic tracts and curved lines resemble the cortex

The third diagram in the picture shows what may have been the arrangement- the right cortex receives visual signals from right eye. But the images on the nasal side will be seen on the temporal retinas of both eyes, which will be seen as double. So the arrangement is not feasible.

Now we come to the first diagram, this is what actually is-
The nasal fibres (carrying impulses of temporal field of vision) cross over. 
And since right cortex receives impulses from left side, it sends motor impulses also to the left side

Now here is my question-
Why don't the temporal fibres cross?
If that would happen, the same half of brain will control same side of the body! Human anatomy could have been so much simple 

If you get answer to this question-
Plz post it as comments 
Thanking you

Friday, June 27, 2014

Trip to Pune

    I'm forced to recollect those days of exams, as I write this blog. Those were the days when each student would stop wasting even a single minute and keep studying (or "begin" studying for that matter).  While studying, my mind would drift start thinking of vacations that would soon ensue. So I noted the things that I would do in vacations. 
   So here was my first big plan of my vacation. The trip to Pune. All the memories are still flashing vividly in my mind as I contemplate the beauty of the mountains which I see passing by, during my journey back to mumbaaaaaai!
   The fun began from the CST station itself! Being an impromtu plan I had to travel by general compartment, without reservation. I met Ronak at CST in the morning at 6.30 am, three days after the summer solstice of 2014. As we reached the platform the train came. And with it began the mad tussle for the seats. The doors were locked from inside as the train approached. Ronak spotted an emergency window, pulled it up and we threw ourselves inside the compartment, with a feeling of victory we opened the door for others and secured our seats. There was no getting up from that moment on if we wanted our seats. So the journey was spent mainly by chatting, watching an episode of GoT and consuming the scenery of lonawala.
   Ajinkya came to pick us at the Pune Station. Had brunch at vaishali. Ate at ajinkya's place again! That was my first experience of a perfect marathi lunch. It was too good.  "What have you travelled, if you haven't even tasted that region's speciality".
   In the evening we played poker and pictionary at spruha's place. That board game was super fun. Aim of the game is to try to tell your partner the name that you get by picking a card. That brings out the insane creature in you. The dinner was outside. I saw the football match with them, though I am no fan of football! 
   Next day we went to a water park. Water park by itself was no fun, but our crazy and stupid things made it memorable. Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe of Pune. These were a few things where Pune is better than aamchi mumbai. :( . Time just flew by while playing it again. 
   Next morning was the last day. I'm happy we did something productive as well as fun on the last day.We visited Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital. Saw CT-MRI, saw a live surgery, PCR machine, ICU and so many more things. 
   Here I'm, going home with a handful of enjoyment and a pinch of new knowledge. 

The Pune railway station 

CST station while leaving from mumbai 


During journey

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Future of surgery

      It's 12.39 am and I'm trying to sleep. That's when all weird thoughts start coming to our minds. And I couldn't stop my brain from thinking about the surgery of the future. I don't know how did this thought come to my "Cosmo-cortical" pathway, but that was enough to fire some corticospinal neurons to direct my hand to pick up my phone and begin writing. 
       If we can manage to miniaturise the robots and teach them how to...
      Hey wait, it just occurred to me how did I begin thinking of this-
I had this doubt about- why the peritoneal cavity in females is open. I finally got the answer in embryology. That reminded me of what a sir in my college had commented about embryology, "embryology is not real. There's nothing like embryology. All what we are studying is abstract". That lead me to pondering over the fact that our embryology is limited to- explaining why the defects occur and the underlying basis of that anomaly. (How fascinating it is that we don't need to think of the whole sentence to think of that whole sentence that my sir had told. In a jiffy, I am reminded of all the words that my sir had told. I mean, to recall an entire day of your life, you don't need to spend that much time recalling it, it will take the same amount of time as you take to recall one word! That's just by the way). Then I started thinking of-if we would use knowledge of embryology to help people. Then it came to surgery while an embryo is still growing. But how can a human approach it? So I thought of robots. Microbots, the size of bacteria may be handy at that time. 
   After making giant leaps in the sphere of technology, we may one day be able to produce robots that have the capability of normal robots. Storing power, computing, operating, commanding, seeing, hearing, connecting and doing its job. 
     So imagine, a women is on the operation table half a globe away from me and a friend of mine just invents a new way to fight a disease. He codes it and instantaneously sends it which I forward to the master computer over there. It is then shared to the million Microbots all piled up in an injection. They are made to connect to the computer via wifi and download the lastest technique to fight the disease. They all also can talk to each other. When first one goes in the body, he may send a message to all others like- "oh it's dark in here. Oops I just got pushed into the right coronary artery. I ll do my work over there. Take care and good luck". The other Microbot may reply, I m having some difficulty in the 8th zone of the right lung. I need backup immediately". Robots will be carrying packets of drugs that can be injected selectively into each cytoplasm. They may be able to enter the nucleus, obtain copy of the main DNA via PCR and replace the mutated DNA with the new one. 
They all will work as a team. 
   That I think will be the future of surgery. :)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tracing the roots

I would like to share a message that I received-

"The 8 Monkeys

(This is reportedly based on an actual experiment conducted in the U.K.)
Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.

All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why.

However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.

A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him.

This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.

And that is how most company policies and religious traditions get established and followed.😃"

Monday, May 12, 2014

"Indifferent" is the new "attractive"

   I was watching nat geo while having lunch. And what they showed, took me by awe!
   A study revealed that- the more common or indifferent you look, the more attractive is your face to others. Pause! Ponder! And a second thought will tell you that you can not agree more! It's indeed true!
   Test it out- the actors and models in Hollywood and Bollywood actually have faces that are very normal. Those which obey the golden ratio...the Fibonacci series ( you may google it!)
   Reason- this thought is basically hardwired into our minds. Since life began on earth, one always tries to find a healthier mate that ensures continuity of the progeny. One would always try to go with the common with more probability of survival. 
   So a boy friend who tells his girlfriend- "I no longer find anything special in you",
finds her attractive or no, is for you to decide!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Silent screams!

 Exams are round the corner! And it's a battle which will leave Varanasi lagging! Thankfully, we get what is known as "preparatory leave" before exams.  For me, PL is as good as vacations 😝
   So today morning I was studying in my college library, and there came a senior- "the documentary film of burn survivors and the camp diaries, will be screened in the J. Mehta lecture theatre in 5 mins". Few jobless people like me bothered to even look up at him...others were busy engrossed in studying! I thought, I can read anytime. What's there in the book is not going anywhere but there will be only one chance to see the film. So I thought of sparing an hour for it. And within the next minute, I closed my book and came to JMLT.
   The compère was fidgeting with his laptop. (Being a medical student, How could I waste time!! And I began to read the soft copy of that same book on the phone until it began). He welcomed the audience and set the wheels in motion!
   The film first introduced us to the plight of the burn survivors. They had travelled to the village of the survivor in some remote place in Maharashtra. Incredible! They talked about how Yogesh, standard 10th student got burnt in childhood because of the explosion of the stove, how his family couldn't afford anything more than just saving his life.  Then was a talk by the principal of his school about the attitude of his peers towards him, about his academic performance. 
   Then came the turn of Yogesh's life when he visited KEM. Those very familiar corridors being projected, those needy people waiting in the OPD. Then the head of plastic surgery department of KEM explains about the case. Told us how he was when he first came here. And how they ameliorated his life.  Then from the Dean's desk was a talk on the mental state of burn survivors.
  The plastic surgery department of KEM was toying with the idea of having a camp for these survivors, first of its kind in India. A place where they get to meet and enjoy with people who could best understand their agony and pain, the other victims of burn! 
  The camp was in a suburb of mumbai. They left in a bus with survivors and volunteers. There they danced their hearts out! Played various games. More importantly-they opened up!
  The head of department talks-"I would like to share an incident with you. There was a kid who used to wear a scarf around his head to cover the scar. I told him he could remove it after the surgery. But he didn't. And during the camp, today I saw that his scarf was off. That was the best compliment to me"
  Though I hadn't participated in it in anyway but I still felt the joy of changing  someone's life for the good, forever! I'm proud of my will-be-profession!
  Back to cramming now.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The change in me

   One year is not always enough to have a life long change in a person! My case proved it otherwise.
   Maybe it was a part of growing up, maybe I was destined or perhaps this was the path that I chose. And I'm proud of it. 
   We all know about this story of a frog-
This frog was born in a well in a village. The village was in an arid region and thus the water levels never rose high. The frog liked his home-the well, well enough! All he bothered about were- the sky, the walls and the ground. And food and sleep. He always thought- there's no world outside this well; the frogs that I know are the only creatures present. And he never ever realised how much of world he had actually seen!
   I was more or less the same. My world was my city. Though I had travelled my city enough, there was never a chance to explore other parts of Maharashtra. And then came NEET, through which I got admitted to GSMC and KEMH.
   And believe me- I learnt more about the geography of Maharashtra in my college than what I had learnt in school!! I have frequently heard that KEM has a continuum of patients. But never knew about the various spices of the country that my college had on its platter!
   Meeting them and getting involved in various activities with them was as good as travelling the whole country! The different language, the nature, the way of life, the clothes, the knowledge, the people! 
  Now I am that frog who has virtually seen the world outside the well though my friends! I'm happy to realise that my scenario will no longer be same as that of the frog. Since this frog has already taken the leap to get out of the well and explore! Till the last breath- learn and explore!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

How could you forget!?

You have indeed done a lot,
Lots more needs to be done.
You were chosen to serve the society,
You were that special 'one'.

You have enjoyed a special status,
After you added those two coveted letters,
Maybe that has fuelled your pride,
According to you, that's all what matters!

I know you were beaten like a dog,
That incident-when you were humiliated,
I don't know whose fault it was!
I'm sure you were infuriated!

You chose to protest in your way,
Which ever you felt was correct
But Don't you forget-you were special
Your deeds should also reflect!

You have a right to retaliate...I don't deny,
You called a strike in the state
Fearing the future, others joined too,
No one checked if the fault was of their mate...

O friend, try to introspect!
There was an oath that you took,
How could you forget!?
There's a child waiting for your look!

His family couldn't be consoled
When his corpse was brought home!
Why should he pay the prize?
For no fault of his own!??!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Can we add another dimension?

 Human beings have been endowed with 5 special senses. 
•sense of touch- we can touch and know about shape and texture. Can differentiate between fine and crude touch. Can feel warm and cold. Can feel vibration, itch and tickle. Can we even begin feeling the weight, volume?
•sense of taste-we can identify 5 flavours. Maybe with new receptors we may have new tastes!
•sense of smell-our sense of smell is not so well developed. But if we can we smell how true a particular statement is! Or can smell the nature of a person!
•sense of vision- we see in the visual spectrum. we have developed cameras that enable us to see in infrared and ultraviolet. And skiagrams are a way of looking at the X rays. We can see a particular thing from far. Can magnify things. But What if we could see the past and future of a person? Could see many more different colours. Could see temperature...
•sense of hearing- we can hear the conversation going on in a room. Mobiles enable us to hear voices in other side on the globe.

 We can modify, amplify or engineer these senses. But cannot add any new dimension to it!! We cannot have a sixth sense! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Theory of exponential delay

   In the mad race of life, what I have experienced is what I'm putting forward. Born in Mumbai, I needed to keep pace with life. There have been many instances where I was late- tuitions, seminars, lectures, meetings, dinner, parties, college or for a train!
  These instances have taught me this-

->Theory of EXPONENTIAL DELAY states that- amount of delay is proportional to the delay at that instant.
   Explanation- you have to reach a place at 6pm. You leave from home at 5.30pm, and travelling time is 45 mins...
If you leave at 5.45pm(delay at that instant is more), then travelling time will be more that 45 mins (then, amount of delay is more). 
   In other words- for every one second you delay, you will waste more that one second. This waste will be less if you are not very late, but will be increasing exponentially as you become late.


This is I feel, the psychology, that makes it feel true. I don't know how true is it in life...

Human body-the best creation ever

  Well, this blog is gonna be much of scientific or medical knowledge. But I need to take its help to prove the point.
  Before I write this, I want to say-
"I solely am a medium to convey the following information. The source is a very respected professor at my college. Dr. K. Shyamkishore"
   According to him, the makeup of the human body was predefined and decided. Saying which, he concludes that- "THUS ANYONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ANATOMY, WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE IN GOD". 
  He gives an example-
1) the sternocleidomastoid muscle-
Every muscle is innervated contralaterally, except the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle. For lay people, this is a muscle of the neck. When one side of the body is paralysed (say right sided hemiplagia), then all the right side muscles except right SCM plus the left side SCM get paralysed! Paralysis of left sides SCM causes head to turn towards left, ie towards normal side.
  It would make no sense to have right side hand paralysed and keeping the head rotated to the right! You wouldn't have been able to see what you are doing with the left hand.
   Having a paralysis of right hand muscles and having the head permanently fixed towards the left makes more sense.
2) the fingerprint-
  Every fingerprint on earth is different. Even in the case of identical or monozygotic twins!!! Not only that, any single finger print is unique compared to all the prints in the past and all those in the future. This leads us to think that there's something that connects the past, present and future finger prints...this remarkable task...can only be performed by the almighty.

3) the right cerebral lobe is for imagination.  The pathway for ideas is cosmocortical tract. Cortex is connected directly to cosmos!
 A case Corpus callosum hemisection, is as good as two different people living in one!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

A new beginning

   It's very late to write this blog...but better late than never.
   It's the first year in a new hope and new expectations.

   "A new beginning"
"The beginning was actually the end,
Of two years of striving,
I was happy that I got,
A place in an institution shining.

Filled to the brim with excitement,
When I first saw the college,
I still feel the sense of pride,
As I try to live a physician's pledge.

I wasn't sure of my capability,
I didn't even know the subjects I ll learn,
One thing I was confident about,
Was- for knowledge, I ll yearn. 

Soon learnt about college's legacy,
Made my mind to live up to it,
Lord! I may someday forget the oath,
But, For the society, I ll never forget to do my bit"

Sunday, February 9, 2014


"The only truth in the world is that- the truth is always changing"
"Change is always constant"

   The only thing that let's you survive in the changing times is adaptation. It's the holy grail for humanity!
   Before knowing about its importance, let me first scare you with the consequences if heed is not paid to it. We all know about dinosaurs and mammoths becoming extinct! The sole reason was their failure to adapt.
   Gas will occupy whatever space is given to it. If the volume is still adapts! We should learn from it.
   Clay is useful till it's soft and changes it's shape. Once it becomes's of no use. 
    Political leaders will be overthrown if they fail to cater to people's changing needs. AAP struck a cord with the common man and the poll results speak the rest. 
   "Adapt or Perish"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Being a doctor

•What goes into being a doc?
•Is it art, commerce or science?
And the answer is- it's all the three!

  Obviously it is science first! Studying medicine requires you to study functioning of a normal body, to study pathologies, to study drugs and surgeries. 
  How is it an art? Well, an experienced physician would like to put it like this-
"Practising medicine is like driving, the more you do; the better you are at it"
 It definitely requires skill to identify the pathology as early and precisely as possible. 
  And commerce? Modern medicine has brought the commerce component to it. Traditionally medicine has been selflessly working for people! But the practice of "cuts" saddens us all.
   These descriptions of medicine are not mine. According to me- medicine only requires devotion of your life! I will also completely understand the meaning maybe after half a century later, and then I hope, when I read my blog 'risorius' muscle would contract involuntarily and  leave two semilunar creases on my face!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Our grandparents...our treasure

   One of the most cherished moments of our life are our childhood days...and the most memorable of them are the moments we spent with our grandparents.
    Grandfather's experience and grandmother's home rememedies are exceptional.
    When a child is ill, many a times a mom may fumble but grand mom easily handles the situation. She has been through it all. When mom scolds a child, which is a better safe house than behind the grand mom !!! She even scolds the mom for trying to punish the child for some mistake. There will always be some dish that mom cannot make as good as grand mom. She will remember things that even mom sometimes forgets. Even though she might not know how to make a call, she ll try all means to contact a family member who hasn't reached home at usual time. She wakes up early and sees to it that everything is in place. She wouldn't sleep until everyone has arrived back home. For once, mom can say that-go eat in the canteen today, but you ll never need to worry of food when your grand mom is there. She ll definitely wake up early and give you a tiffin. She helps in hindi, Marathi essay writing. She proudly introduces you to other relatives during a function. And yes, who would take you to the native place, tell stories about her past, and instill moral values without her! She teaches to discriminate between good and bad, right and wrong. She takes the place of the mother when she isn't around! We must have played more in the laps of our grandmothers than our mothers!
   Grandfather...whom you always see as a man of discipline, A man with authority. The whole family needs to listen to your grand dad and he listens only to you. And that's what makes you feel like the king. Others may be afraid of him but you are not! He takes you on a walk in evening. Would show you his office. Would teach you maths. Would give you bundles of money to count. He dreams of you as a respected adult.
   Grandparents will do anything for you. They do it without expecting any favour. All they want is our success and happiness.
   Each one of us is a millionaire since we have a treasure of grandparents.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The apex is the base

Ironical but true- The apex is the base....

  The apex family member is the head of the family, he himself is also the base. The main earning member makes it the base. Just as, nothing can be built without the becomes difficult without him/her. 

   The apex position in the government is of much importance. The president and prime minister's each and very word is given importance. They are so much important that things like- 'mosquito was bothering the President' becomes a news!! They are a role model to all in the country. In that aspect, they become the base. If the apex is not stong enough, even the base is not. 

   If you could link it...there's a different connection between a grandson and grandfather. Similarly is the apex and base. 

 Now what if the head is not good enough!?

  The gene is the head of the cell. After receiving direction from the cell, it is the gene that makes a particular protein. If the gene is faulty, the protein definitely will be faulty and the person would suffer from a disease. 
   When parents have vices, they will naturally be imbibed by the children also!
   When the protectors of law, break the law what can be expected of criminals!
   When the doctors are putting someone's life in danger, what can be expected of murderers!
   When the present generation of youth is not concerned for the country, what about the future generations!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

A rotten Apple spoils the Barrel

 A Rain Drop

I saw a drop of rain water,
Diving towards the ground,
No question on it's purity,
It's immaculacy knew no bound.

It provoked me to think about its future,
Whether it cleans or it quenches,
Will it prove to be an elixir?
Or will seep into the trenches?

Will it make itself comfortable amongst the droplets of that muddy pond?
Or Will it become a part of Ganges, you bet,
Oh Lord! Good you didn't give it brains to make a choice for itself...
As even homo sapiens sapiens have made no difference yet....

Humans are influenced by their peers
Oh Humans! if they had a choice!
A child born, as pure as a rain drop,
Inherits religion and is influenced by peers, without ever raising its voice!!!
-Parth Gada.

What I wanted to convey through the poem:-
Title-A basket full of fresh fruits but one. That rotten apple can rot others as well.

Poem- A Rain Drop, is very pure in nature. As it decends towards the ground, it at first gets contaminated because of atmospheric gases. Ignoring that, the drop will attain the quality of which ever medium it falls in. 
   The drop has no choice, it is subjected to the physical forces and laws of nature that govern the universe. But we humans! We make a difference. Because, we can "choose". We can choose, what surroundings we want, what friends we want. 
  A person who befriends people who smoke and drink, end up 'trying' it one day! A person who sees a friend in a particular guy, his quality is very likely to be induced in him.

   A magnetic substance when placed in a magnetic field behaves like a magnet. A piece of iron, when in contact with a magnet at one end, itself temporarily behaves like a magnet. 

  A person who stays in a happy environment, feels happy and satisfied. A child who only sees famines and droughts and do you expect him to know what is love!

   If you are in a place where an epidemic broke out recently, you are very much vulnerable to the disease!

    With all these examples, I wish to convey only one thing- "choose wisely"
•choose a good medium for that drop of water. 
•choose to be in a basket where there are no rotten apples 
•choose to be in company of friends who correct you if ever you go wrong
•choose to be under a correct guru (magnet) whose ideals you ll follow. 
•choose to build a happy environment around you
•choose to be in a healthy place. 
•choose to LIVE A BETTER LIFE ....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mahabaleshwar trip

    There do come times where you stand at a crossroad and need to select between two things, and according to you both are correct. "Just like- whom do you want? Mother or father."     Or there are times where you need to attend two things at two different places at the same time! And you wish, if you could not miss any! The same thing happened with me. 
   College Friends planned a two-day trip to mahabaleshwar, Sunday and Monday ( yeah bunking college ) And I had to attend a family function on Sunday. So it was a 'this-or-that' situation for me.
   It's Sunday morning. I check my mobile. See status updates of friends and find that they have left for mahabaleshwar. As planned, I went with my family. I would have missed the first day of mahabaleshwar and would have regretted had it not been for the sumptuous food that I had that day and those crazy hours of garba. 
   The function was over and I packed for the trip. Reached an hour before the time of arrival of the bus. I had booked a seat (or should I say a bed) in a Neeta Volvo. It picked me up at 10pm. And I left on my journey to mahabaleshwar, alone. 
   In the bus, I found a 9th std school student as my co-traveller. He was going back to boarding school after the winter vacation. I slept all the way, something which I boasted a lot about when I reached there :p. 
    "Last stop, last stop", the cry woke me up from my sleep. I stepped down. And saw a crowd of taxi men waiting for passengers. One of them asked me- booking hai? Booking hai? Not knowing what to Answer- I nodded. I told him the hotel name. He quoted the price. Bloody ₹100 for one km!!!!!
   I just asked him the direction. And started walking. Checked it out on google maps and reached there in 8 min. I made another good decision by not taking a cab. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to wander there. Inhale it's beauty. And feel its peace. A local lady then showed me the exact way to the hotel. She was friendly and welcoming. 
    When about 70-80% distance was completed, I heard namaaz echoing around. I looked around. And then looked up. What I saw, I won't be able to describe with mere letters. The combination of twinkling stars and soothing prayers stole my anxiety. I reached the hotel.
   Saw a friend sleeping, the door was open! I wondered- Why did they not shut the door before sleeping! But I thanked them later for keeping the room open. After a few zzzz's in his room, it was about 7am. I went out in the garden and soaked a little sunrise in. Good, but not as awesome as the view past night. Next hour I spent waking everyone up. And listening to their experiences of Sunday. Later I came to know, that the door was open as they had slept only an hour ago, ie at 4am!
    After checking out from the hotel, I spent the rest of the day like an ordinary traveller. Visited pratapgad fort. And returned home at midnight. 
    How much ever beautiful the fort was, or how much ever fun we had in the bus while returning back. Nothing can match the view of stars with namaaz in background.
    Travelling in its true spirit is tasting the lives of the locals. Talking and interacting with them. Living their lives for a day. And I lived the true spirit, though for those 8 mins! They were the best moments of the trip. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Who is the boss?

  Toot toot...toot's 7 am and the alarm rings. Rohan's hand involuntarily snoozes the alarm. Not wanting to, to rubs his eyes and the first thing he does is- to check the time. It's 7.22am. He is late. He has to attend a business meeting at 8. He needs to rush. Having a bath quickly, he grabs a couple of toasts and calls his driver to get the car ready. He leaves the house, checking the mails and messages on the way. Curses himself for not picking up a phone from a colleague that would have resulted in a business deal. Disappointed with the loss that he incurred in the morning itself, he reaches the office. Shouts at the clerk for not keeping the files ready. Skips the lunch since an assignment wasn't completed in time. He gets a call where he is invited to dinner with other business people. He has to attend it, cancelling the appointment he had with a doctor. 
    In the same office building is a liftman. Wakes at 7. Reaches office at 8. Gets a lunch break. Leaves at 4pm. Spends time with his family. And enjoys a good sleep. 
    My question is- who's the boss?
    The boss is the one who gets to live his life according to his fancy. Before being able to 'order' others, he should first at least be 'Khud ki marzi ka maalik'. 
    We saw that Rohan was cursing himself for the loss of money that "he could have made profit with". Do note- since there was no profit, he thinks he had a loss. This reminds me of a story-
     A wife was standing at the bus stop. She was on her way home. The buses were so crowded that she couldn't get in.  She ran behind the bus. Trying to chase the bus, halfway through the route, she gives up and decides to walk home.            On reaching home, she tells her husband, "today I saved ₹10". Then she explains the story to him. The husband then replies, "you made a loss of ₹40. You would have saved ₹50 had you run behind a taxi!" 

In the same way, those who use a mobile are using it so that they can be available to others for their perusal at all times! The boss is the one who is without a mobile!