It's another morning when my hands involuntarily grab the daily newspaper, trying to skip a few pages of same news about worldwide protests against newly elected POTUS Trump, the page about personal finance has incited interest in me of late.
After the monotony of news regarding scams and the updates of upcoming polls, this page refreshes me with the Serotonins of happiness after learning something new - Personal Finance.
Woah bro. Calm down. Now we are going into the territory where every biology student treads with fear. Finance, Economics and Statistics.
Today's article talks about diversification of portfolios. But everyone knows the nature's secret of being able to keep the species alive.
The nature is working all the time to make infinite minute adjustments in the genotype, to adjust with the environment. The nature is perfecting her art since 5 billion years now.
She has a mechanism of cell division called "Meiosis" that allows genetic transfer of information, allowing the offsprings to be genetically superior, evolving continuously.
Even our HLA haplotypes, the MHC antigens present on our WBCs are so varied and diversifed already, that should a catastrophic microbiological attack happens, atleast some human being will be immune to it to propagate our species further.
Now that's a Micro-"surgical strike" indeed
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